Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hunt and Gather cont.

Lot's of lighting choices... pieces.....
Vintage fabric used to make purses...lamp shades...
Wall of art...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Find your prize

Hunt and Gather is a unique shop located in Minneapolis Mn. Multiple dealers with a wide variety of merchandise. Funky, current, and so much fun.
Pink pottery on a silver tray...
Fun vintage carnival prize girls.
Funky chicken and egg vending machine, loved this! I didn't put my quarter in for my prize...what was I thinking??!!

Lot's of letters, numbers, flash cards and other graphic art supplies.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Oronoco Gold Rush days. Oronoco Mn. Great outdoor sale, held 3rd weekend in August. It seems like the crowds were down on Friday. LOTS of empty spaces. Not sure if the economy and gas prices are to blame. It looked like the people who did venture out were buying, so hopefully everyone had good sales....lots of interesting architectural